February 2021 | End the Cycle Group Coaching Program

Transform Your Pain Into Power in a Narcissistic Emotionally Abusive Relationship.

Let Me Make it Simple For You With This 8 Week Comprehensive Step By Step Process

End the Cycle of Confusion, chaos, and crazymaking with a proven program and process that actually moves you forward toward rapid change, taught by former Holistic Therapist and Master Transformation Coach with over 8 years of of experience supporting women


If you don't know what is keeping you feeling trapped, indecisive, and crazy in the relationship, how will you ever unravel yourself from the dynamic to make healthier decisions for yourself?

Being told by outsiders to leave your abusive partner isn't what you need, and it only makes you feel more broken and ashamed that you can't seem to actually leave. 

If it was as simple as that, you wouldn't be like the countless women who are still feeling stuck and immobilized in their relationship, even with all the therapy and books they've tried to find a solution to their pain and confusion.

You are feeling stuck, trapped, confused, and don't know the way out. It's time to focus on your own self care, inner healing and bring yourself back into the equation.

Uninformed therapists that simply clock the hours without actually leading you anywhere do more harm than good and keep you spinning your wheels with no change in sight.

You need to discover for yourself through self reclamation, setting rock-solid boundaries,  getting clarity on the abuse cycle, learning about your part in the 'dance', and how you're a match for this type of partner. 

Going to friends, family and therapists who minimize what you're going through only leads to further traumatization.

You need a proven strategy and plan to follow, and a support system that understands what you're going through.

A holistic path that integrates your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical dimensions, that merges psychology, counselling, coaching, and solution focused mentorship. 

Let me ask you...

Do you ever wonder why you feel so confused, depressed, anxious, and off-center in your relationship?

Does your partner never take ownership, and turn everything around on to you (which leaves you questioning if your concerns are valid?)

Does your partner tell you you're 'crazy', 'irrational', or 'too sensitive' all the time when you share with him how he's hurting you?

Do you feel like you have to constantly repeat yourself over and over again until you're exhausted, you think he finally gets it this time, but nothing actually changes?

Do you feel like you're always talking and talking, trying to articulate and explain perfectly how you feel, but your partner is never actually listening to you? 

Do you continually feel invalidated, rejected, and like your partner just doesn't care about you or how you feel?

Do you get the feeling that all the problems in the relationship are all because of you?

Does your partner constantly minimize his bad behavior, and somehow flip the fault onto you as the cause for his actions?

Do you find yourself feeling like you want to leave because the behavior is so intolerable, but at the same time wonder if you've tried hard enough?

Do you often feel confused after interactions with your partner, or by his strange and odd behaviors that leave you questioning yourself, and wondering if you really are going crazy? 

If you answered yes to even one of these, then you are in the right place, I've got your back.

Inside the ETC program, we dive deep into the toxic dynamics of hidden and subtle emotional abuse, and how to get yourself untangled from the emotional and psychological effects of narcissistic abuse. 

If you have doubts that what you're experiencing is abuse, this program will give you clarity, the reassurance you aren't crazy, the conviction to follow through on setting limits and boundaries, and some next steps to take to empower yourself to get off the roller coaster and out of the cycle. 

Here's What You'll Be Learning Inside End the Cycle:

 Module 1: Transcending The Confusion and Crazymaking Cycle

How to regain your inner peace and stop getting swept away in your partner's behavior without dragging him to therapy 

  •  Learn the narcissistic abuse cycle in-depth, the emotional abuse patterns, red flags and behaviors to be aware of, and how to respond differently to shift the dynamic and stop wondering if you're making things bigger than they are 

  • Take back your emotional power so you stop reacting in ways that perpetuate the cycle (that he can use against you later) and you can feel good about how you're showing up no matter what he's doing 

    • Learn how you're playing into the dynamic, how to stop feeding the cycle, regain your inner peace and stop feeling controlled and powerless in your life 

    • Discover new ways to respond to emotional abuse tactics and comments without reacting emotionally and making things worse

    Module 2: Own Your Boundaries and Stop Tolerating Abuse 

    Learn how to set powerful boundaries even when you've tried before and they haven't worked

    • Get powerful boundary scripts and templates to formulate and express your boundaries so that you can set them from a place of clarity, courage and conviction, rather than anxiety and fear of what he'll say

    • Learn the different types of boundaries you can set, so you can create mental and emotional separation from what is yours and what is his while protecting yourself emotionally from toxic treatment

    • Learn exactly what to say and how to say it to make him take you seriously, and the ONE big thing you must do to make a boundary actually work

    Module 3: Reclaim YOU and Your Personal Power

    Learn the most important areas to shift within yourself to feel more powerful and in charge of your emotions and life

    • Come out of the abuse fog, awaken to the truth, and lift the veil of confusion so you can see everything from a new level of clarity

    • Learn how self sacrificing, overhelping, over-functioning, over-giving and enabling behaviors keep the dynamic alive and actually prevent change from happening


    • Learn how to stop blaming your partner and giving your power away to him, get out of feeling like a victim and take full ownership for your side of the street 

    Module 4:  How to Know if Change is Possible and Plan Your Exit Strategy 

    In this module you'll have a clear plan and process for getting clear about if your partner can change, and you will also be empowering yourself by developing your exit strategy ahead of time, just in case. 

    • Use my print out guides and checklists for you (and for him) to discover if your partner can REALLY change, the reality of what it takes for him to make real change, key indicators and what you will hear and see from him that show his willingness to change, and a list of what he needs to do to show he's willing to work on his issues.  

    • Define your next steps so you can stop feeling ambivalent and confused. You will also create your "No Matter What" exit plan with checklists and audios walking you step by step through the process. 

    • Know your relationship needs, define your non-negotiable needs, and develop a plan of action to implement in your relationship, or start taking action toward your exit plan. You are the leader of your own process. 

    • Challenge and reframe all of your self sabotaging beliefs that are keeping you in victim mode and stuck in the cycle of abuse 

    Module 5: Integration week -Continuing Your Transformation Journey (Bonus materials are released)

    This module is all about reflecting and focusing on the work that you've done in the program, integrating it in so you can turn it into tangible solution focused action and change, as well as creating your plan for continued growth beyond the program. You'll have an opportunity to ask any remining questions before we wrap up the program as well as catch up on any missed module work. 

    Perhaps right about now, you're feeling scared you'll have to make a decision whether or not to leave your partner, and you're not ready for that...

    I totally understand.  I'm not here to tell you to what to do, and this program might lead you to discover you need to leave, but it doesn't mean that will be the case.

    You always have choice. I want to assure you it is not my goal in this program to rush your process, or tell you to leave.

      I want you to come to your own conclusions and decisions as a result of doing the inner work to get real and honest with yourself about what you've been experiencing, and how you've been allowing, even enabling, your partner's bad behavior. 

    You also might be feeling afraid that if you leap and join ETC, this means that you have to blow up your life in the next 30 days and make huge decisions about your family as a result of taking the program, this is also not the case. 

    I want you to come to the conclusions you are meant to reach in your own time, and take the next empowered steps that are right for you right now. 

    One thing is certain, as a result of taking ETC, you will not be the same at the end. 

    You will see things much differently, and will be able to make healthier decisions about your future. 

    This program is intended to help you get clarity on the phases of the emotional abuse cycle, and insight into whether your relationship can be changed, including creating your own plan for change.

    What Your Partner Will Need to Do

    You'll get a printable list and plan for change for your partner, should he be willing to join you in the change process, which outlines exactly what needs to happen for him to regain your trust and heal the relationship. 

    You will create a personalized plan to define your next steps and walk away with a plan of action to implement to either stay, stay for now, or begin the exit phase of your relationship.

    This is the only complete, holistic and therapeutically based program that offers a step by step process to guide you in navigating an emotionally toxic relationship and supports you where you are right now.


    Here's what you receive when you invest in ETC today:

    •  5 Core Modules of my End the Cycle Signature program delivered via videos, audios, workbooks, PDF guides, recorded classes. You get 3 months' access to all of the modules to revisit as many times as you like. ($1,997 value) Access to everything to revisit as many times as you want over the duration of the program

    • 8 weeks of group support in our private (non-social media) chat forum for group discussions related to the modules and connecting with other women in the program. And, of course, access to me with personal attention to your questions posted in the community every weekday.  The women in this group are so quick to support one another as well. The group connections on the calls and in the chat are invaluable for when you need an anchor, and to feel you have support behind you every step. (priceless)

    • 8 x 90-minute weekly live coaching calls on Zoom You will have an opportunity to submit your questions ahead of time each week, and get them answered even if you can't attend. There are recordings of these calls as well as a library of past sessions to deepen your learning and growth  (My coaching session fee is $1,000 per hour, you can do the math on what these calls alone are valued at, plus you learn from the other women which speeds your transformation process).

        I should be charging at least $10k for this program with the live coaching support components...

      but the good news is, you don't have to pay that...

      Because I want to help as many women as I can with this program, I'm offering it to you today for only 6 monthly installments of $333 USD 

      (Or, you can pay in full and save $200)


      You will finish this program with a clear plan of action moving forward - whatever that is for you. No more endless hours researching online for answers, pouring through stacks of books, floundering and trying to figure it out on your own! 

      This is all about YOU.

      You might be thinking that a group program won't offer you the support you need, however working in a group setting with other women in a similar situation is extremely powerful.

      You will learn from other women's experiences, and identify with other women's stories.

      In fact, a group setting is often more transformational (when it's facilitated effectively) than simply going for weekly therapy sessions. It's potent and powerful, you'll feel validated, heard, and seen in the community.

      Many of my ETC program ladies report how powerful it is to have a community of women sharing and validating one another, and how healing it is to see themselves and their situation in other women, to know that what they've been experiencing is a real thing that countless other women are also living with. 

      You might be thinking you can't afford to invest in ETC to get the support you need...

      But I challenge you to ask yourself how much you mental health is worth?

      How much is getting your life back worth? 

      How much is regaining your physical wellness and health worth? 

      ETC may not be cheap, but it's not simply a few therapy sessions you attend with no support or structure in between.

      “I felt I wasn’t worth “that much money”. My transformation and mental health is worth way more than that money!!! If you are on the fence... just do it!! You won’t regret it. All my years of therapists didn’t even get me close to where I am now and that was after a few weeks of the program.” ETC Student

      This program rapidly and permanently changes women's lives in a way that years of therapy could not.

      Think about it like this. A typical therapy hour runs about $150 per session. If you go once per week, this would cost you at least $600 per month, and likely won't move you any further ahead in the way ETC is guaranteed to move you.

      ETC is a specifically designed system, a step by step method and process, and goes beyond what traditional 1:1 therapy can provide. 

      Let me clarify: I'm not knocking good quality therapy, there is definitely a place for it, however for the majority of my clients and students, therapy alone was not enough to move them toward meaningful change because the root cause of the relationship issues wasn't being addressed. 

      You have a choice. Because, life is about choice. 

      You can invest in expert guidance to move you forward in less than 5 weeks toward having a real plan and your next steps already figured out


      You can keep doing what you've been doing (how's that working for you so far by the way?) and try to figure it out on your own with books, online research and free podcasts... and be in this exact same place in 6 months, 12 months, or sadly even longer

      Each choice we make holds a consequence. A cause and an effect. right now you've got an important life-changing choice to make. 

      It's time to get real. 

      If you choose to do nothing, nothing changes, and not only does nothing change, it most often becomes worse. 

      But if you know you're ready to completely transform your life, click here to get signed up NOW!

      Choose quickly, because enrollment ends in just a few days, and it will be some time before you will have this opportunity again.

      Chances are, you're exhausted and feel at the end of your rope. You've been at this for quite some time, and you're asking yourself how much longer this can go on the way it is. You know something's got to give. You've been putting your life on hold as you've been consumed with getting by day to day, coping in the relationship dynamics. 

      I totally get it. I've been there and I know how utterly exhausting and horrific it is to be navigating a relationship that is slowly killing your body and spirit. 

      A message for Moms:

      If you're like the many of the moms I have worked with, you're also feeling torn between choosing yourself and letting down your children or others if you decide to leave, and finding a way to make it work to avoid the anguish of breaking up your family.

      Your body is breaking down. 

      Your adrenals are depleted, you're not sleeping, and new health symptoms arise as you become sicker and sicker. 

      You may even have adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, hormone and period problems, and myriad unexplained aches, pains and 'syndromes' due to the ongoing stress you've been under. 

      And because of the state of your physical and emotional health, you feel unequipped to make decisions about what to do about your situation. 

      You feel trapped.

      It's not your fault that you've reached this point. You have not had the right support, a structured plan and specialized expert guidance. 

      The people you have gone to for help and support have led you astray. Don't blame and shame yourself for feeling stuck, this will not help.

      But if you keep going on this path and the relationship continues as it has been, and  becomes worse over time, your body will continue to deteriorate, your mental health will continue to decline, and any children you have in the home will be further harmed in the dynamic of tension, and seeing you unhappy and unwell. 

      If you're like most of my clients before they start working with me, you likely feel your family's fate rests on your shoulders, and the pressure is intense. You play mental ping pong all day long about whether to stay or go. 

      You're not present for your kids, and you feel like a terrible mother when you lose your cool with them yet again due to all the pressure and stress you're under. 

      I get you're overwhelmed with the uncertainty of your future, and you're confused about where to go from here. 

      But the cold hard, no nonsense truth is that things will only continue to get worse if you don't get the expert help you need to move the needle forward and develop a plan of action. 

      You don't have time to tinker around in therapy talking about how crappy you feel for months on end, getting nowhere. 

      And therapy with your partner is doomed to fail as well. 

      The solution is you coming back to you. 

      Taking the focus off of your partner, and putting it on you.

      To bring yourself back into the equation of your life. 

      For you to start taking a stand and setting rock solid limits and boundaries. 

      To take steps to protect yourself and children if you have any in the home. 

      You want peace, relief, to feel safe and relaxed, happy, and exited about waking up in the morning, to feel freedom to live your life how you want to live it - without walking on eggshells, without feeling controlled. 

      You are too focused on him, and it's time to focus on YOU. 

      ETC is the solution. 

      Need more convincing ETC is for you?

      ETC Ladies Answer: "How did ETC most help you?"

      (Identity is omitted to protect confidentiality)

      "ETC helped me recognize the cycle and learn not to emotionally react. Having online support for insight into personal situations so I could relate it to the material".

      "End The Cycle lifted the veil on what is going on in my marriage. I have been unhappy almost my whole marriage and I felt so much guilt and shame that I was unhappy. Seeing behind the scenes and understanding covert abuse dramatically elevated the feeling that I was a “bad wife” for not liking my husband. ETC radically opened my eyes to MY POWER. I am SO much stronger than I thought. I am SO much more divinely powerful than I EVER thought. Radically shifting my view from victim to empowered! THANK YOU! ETC helped me see that I am not alone!! For years the dark fog of abuse had me confused and believing the illusion that I was the only one living this way. I thought I was broken, I believed my marriage was shit because I was too sensitive. I am WORTHY of healthy love and connection".

      "Receiving validation, support, and the tools that I need to move forward in whichever way I decide".

      "I familiarized myself with gaslighting stone walling etc . Gaining clarity. And having a supportive group behind me".

       "I'm in the ETC program and learning so much I wish I knew prior to leaving my ex!" K.R

      "I have learned self care/self love/boundaries how to use and practice them. In setting myself routines, and learning about abuse cycles. Knowledge is power and I have learned so much through Leanne's ETC program."

      "ETC has helped me to be empowered and know that I am not alone, crazy, or asking for much, learn ways to communicate effectively to not allow myself to self sacrifice all the time and keep boundaries in place, and helped me connect with other women in similar situations and find ways to break the cycle".

      How is ETC More Beneficial Than Going to Therapy?

      "The journaling prompts and having some type of “homework” was very helpful. It gave me things to take action on instead of just talking about things."

      "ETC made me realize my codependency and my "role" with some of my past relationships with men. ETC dives deep in to narcissism and personality traits that go along with it. ETC reminds me to let go of the "victim mentality"; providing me with an awareness and accountability for myself. I matter."

      "ETC offered specific information that helped me understand not only the spectrum of narcissistic behavior but also my own role in the relationship. ETC also hammered home the importance of self-care as a means to place the focus on myself as well as highlight how self-care practices are essential to staying well physically and emotionally."

      "The accountability and an outlined directives for self soothing and regulating emotions have been most helpful once aware of codependency patterns."

      "In ETC there is time to digest and reflect on the content and how it applies to my situation, while the twice weekly video calls kept me accountable. It's one thing to read/listen to the modules and entirely another to do the self reflection and work. I was motivated to stay on top of it all so that I could get as much as possible out of the video calls. I have done therapy on my own and with my partner and often find that the sessions themselves are packed full of information and emotion, with too much time between sessions to ensure that personal or relationship progress remains a top priority. ETC almost feels like a month-long therapy session where I was actually able to relate to the content and truly learn about myself and what I need. I am in a much better position to make real plans and initiate real change in my life."

      "More actionable and future-focused."

      What ETC Women are Saying About The Program:

      "Before stumbling across awakening women on Instagram, I was confused, being manipulated and emotionally abused, daily. I didn't even know what gaslighting was. I was often crying, not wanting to proceed with my day, tangled up with my partner. Everyday now, [after working with Leanne and the ETC program], I empower myself more and feel better. I am in a healthy routine and bettering myself now, I'm learning about energy and I am motivated to protect mine. My focus used to be on my partner and everything he was doing. Now my focus is on me and my kids. I've changed the way I react to him and slowly but surely disconnecting myself from the toxicity” C.C

      "I came across this course at the exact moment I needed to, and it has been beyond valuable. In all honesty there were moments where I felt like I wasn't make any progress, and ones where I doubted that I ever would. But just doing the work- reading and listening and actually writing out my reflections really did result in clarity. Suddenly my needs and the beginnings of some real boundaries were right in front of me, in my own handwriting! I feel more in tune with myself than I think I ever have, and I am so grateful for you Leanne, and this incredible course. Thank you so, so much."

      If you get a chance to work with Leanne she will transform your behavior and help shift your energy towards what serves you. I’m so grateful she has taught me to love myself just the way I am and to go deep and face my emotions head on. Leanne taught me to set boundaries and take care of me. Thank you for lifting me up”. J.P

      "Before the ETC program I was overwhelmed, my head was spinning, I was constantly hurt and in distress and had no clue why other than that my relationship was unhealthy. This program helped me to see the dynamics at play, know that I am not crazy or the one causing the chaos, know that yes I do play a part in the dance and to take responsibility for my own wellbeing. These are valuable life tools and essential when dealing with a covertly abusive partner because generic advice doesn't work with them. I feel like I armed with the tools I need to move forward." L.G

      "ETC has radically shifted my reality. ETC has transformed my beliefs that I was powerless, unworthy, unseen and unheard. For so long I felt stuck and helpless. ETC is a bright beacon of light shining light on the TRUTH. The truth is I am powerful, worthy, seen and heard! I matter! I am deserving of a healthy relationship and I no longer accept mistreatment in place of love. Thanks Leanne!" A.T

      "Before I found Leanne, I had spent a year reading and watching everything I could get my hands on about narcissistic abuse. I went from simply being educated about it to being supported and coached in such a caring and understanding way that gave me the strength and validation to leave. If I wanted to stay, she would have certainly helped me with that too. That’s what is different with Leanne. She supports you with whatever you decide to do." 

      "Before ETC I was still trying to figure out both me and my husband. ETC helped me to focus solely on me and what I need and want in a relationship. I was able to let go of some things that were not helping me and had actually been hurting me. I gained a lot of confidence about myself and my own abilities. I feel like a capable and empowered woman now. I don’t know exactly what my future looks like but I know I can handle it."

      "Before ETC, I was confused and I felt like I was losing my mind. I have been to many therapists and spoke to many friends about what I was going through. Many advised me to "just close the door" and move on, but I couldn't. I felt like no one understood me. I felt alone in my journey. I have lost a few close friendships because they could not understand what I am/was going through. I wish I would have known to "be careful who I share my feelings with". ETC opened my eyes and made me realize that my feelings were worth it. That I am worth it."

      "Before ETC, I was leaning toward leaving the relationship--and that's where I am now, except I feel much more "prepared" mentally and emotionally. I truly believe the boundary work (which I desperately needed to do) will benefit other relationships in my life -- and perhaps future relationships. I also learned some things about myself, including how the way I've shown up/reacted to my current relationship is often the way I'm showing up/reacting to other things in my life. This was a powerful realization for me--and was one of several "aha" moments."

      "Before joining ETC, I knew my relationship was toxic but my coping was not getting me the change or feeling of stability and inner calm I desperately was seeking from others (friends, doctor, therapist.) Two plus years of personal therapy seemed lacking in the understanding of emotional abuse and how to help myself. An attempt to leave without support was unsuccessful. ETC has given me a clearer understanding on the cycle of abuse, tactics used to keep me in fear and under control in this relationship for years. I am now aware of how my silence, over-functioning, almost nonexistent boundaries and victim mentality contribute to abandonment of myself, codependency, reactive behaviours and avoidance of conflict. Unresolved childhood trauma and buried emotions added to my inner turmoil and inability to self regulate my moods. Learning to detach from negative interactions and conversation has been a huge positive shift in my self healing. The many layers of trauma need my attention for ongoing healing. Increasing selfcare, keeping routine while reinforcing my boundaries and SPEAKING my truth (and improving what and how I say it and positive self talk)is building my self confidence. Although I know I no longer wish to remain in this relationship, I am staying, for now, to work on myself in preparation. I feel prepared with a self care routine for my emotional and physical health; along with an exit strategy. Being aware of old ways of avoidance and fear; how to return to myself and seek support when taking the next steps is crucial for my success and growth. With divine gratitude, S.R."

      "My partner and I have been inching toward separating for years, but we have a young daughter and separation would likely mean she and I moving to another town to be near my family. Over the past few months the discussions were getting more serious and there were a number of times where we decided to move forward with separating. My partner would have an overnight change of heart and the pattern would begin again. I was burned out, completely dissociated from myself and at a loss about how to proceed. Now I have taken ownership of my decision to stay in this relationship for now. I have always felt like I wouldn't leave without knowing I had tried everything, but couldn't accept that the thing I needed to try was prioritizing myself and my needs. I understand that, while I was not the cause of it, my codependency and lack of boundaries were enabling his emotionally abusive behaviour. Working on myself has given me clarity on what my boundaries are and I find myself setting them more consistently every day. I'm learning to trust myself more and worry about the future less."

      "I was lost in the fog because I had not been true to myself due to strong codependent patterns. I learned that I need to practice self care. I understood that setting boundaries and enforcing them is a skill - it needs to be practiced consistently. And most importantly, I learned to take radical self responsibility and own my power. I am not a victim."

      So, let's recap: 

      Here's you receive when you invest in ETC today:

      •  5 Core Modules of my End the Cycle Signature program and system delivered via videos, audios, workbooks, PDF guides, recorded classes ($1997 value)
      •  Group support in our private chat forum for group discussions related to the modules and connecting with other women in the program, and of course access to me with personal attention to your questions posted in the community every weekday ($3,000 value)
      • Go deeper with the live group coaching and Q & A calls on Zoom  ($3,000 value)
      • A library of past live coaching calls and Q & A videos 

      That's 3 Months Access to the entire ETC library, group support, and live coaching calls!

      This will ensure you have the right support every step of the way, no matter what you decide to do. You need support if you are choosing to stay and work on it, and you'll need support behind you if you decide to leave, because leaving is just the beginning. 

      Get started for only $349 by clicking blow.



      I'm already in counselling, will ETC help me?

      While not a substitute for therapy, ETC will provide you with in-depth transformation, community support, responsive answers to your questions as they arise, and powerful tools and insights you won't get in regular therapy. You can take this program along with therapy. It's your choice.

      I am worried I can't afford ETC, but I know I need this, what should I do?

      I have offered a payment plan to make this easier, and also invite you to see whether your concerns are coming from fear, lack, and victim mentality. You are operating from present circumstances, not from where you want to be. While I would not advocate purchasing ETC if you can't feed your family or pay your mortgage, I challenge you to consider that you may have fixed beliefs about money and spending on yourself. You receive a whole lot more from this program than you will with just one-hour counselling sessions each week. Something to keep in mind. 

      What if I can't attend the live coaching calls and bonus classes?

      While it is strongly recommended that you find a way to attend the live coaching calls for the most benefit, there will be replay recordings made available.

      I'm not in the relationship anymore, or am separated and considering going back to my ex-partner, will ETC still help me?

      ETC is designed for women who are still in the relationship, or who are separated but are still feeling entangled with their ex, and are seriously considering reconciliation. Maybe your partner has made some changes, and you want to know if it's going to stick this time. ETC will give you clarity and a step by step process to know if your relationship can, or should be saved before you make the decision. Before you decide to engage back in the relationship, I urge you to take ETC first.

      If I'm already leaning toward leaving the relationship will ETC still help me? 

      Many women leave a relationship like this and return, statistics say 7 times, before leaving for good. It is also common to get sucked back in with manipulation and promises each time you try to leave.  Being in ETC as you formulate clarity, inner strength and a plan for your exit, as well as preparing yourself emotionally and logistically, will increase the odds that when you do leave, it will be for good.

      Where can I ask questions during the program?

      You can ask anything related to the modules during the live coaching calls, and in our private support group on the Telegram app, where you can post questions and I can answer them directly.

      I'm worried I won't have time to focus on ETC, how much time should I expect to spend on this?

      You get out of anything what you put into it. Allocate about 5 hours per week for watching/listening to the material, study and notes/journalling, or any homework you have to do. Also, keep in mind, clients report ETC did more for them in 30 days than months spent in therapy getting nowhere. If you focus and stay in the work you will experience profound transformation.

       Can I pay in CAD if I'm in Canada?

      We do not make currency adjustments. Adjusting the currency for every person that requests it would be extremely time consuming, and an admin nightmare. USD is a standard and universal currency for global businesses, and 90% of our business expenses, including software and tools to house our online programs, are paid for in US dollars 

      I'm overwhelmed with my relationship and the stress I'm under, can I do this program?

      You're overwhelmed because you don't have the right support, tools and information and a plan to start focusing in the right areas. When you don't have a plan, overwhelm sets in, and overwhelm is a habit. It's also a trauma response, and is a way we sabotage ourselves. We will address how to overcome the habit of overwhelm in ETC. 

      Disclaimer: This course and information contained within it, is not a substitute for counselling, and is meant for information purposes only. It is also not intended for women who are in a dangerous, and physically violent situation. If you are experiencing Domestic Violence (DV) please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 365/24/7 at 1-800-799-7233

      I get that you've probably exhausted all available options to get the help you need, and may have not experienced any results. You may be wondering if this program will even work for you. I am so confident in ETC and as you can see, many women who have gone before you have experienced radical change and transformation during the program, I am willing to offer a limited guarantee.

      If you go all in, complete the module work, attend the live calls and discover ETC does not work for you, we will gladly issue you a refund within 60 days of purchase

      Questions that aren't covered here about the program? Email hello@leanneoaten.com

      11 Modules

      Module 0: (Start here) Activate Your Next level of Transformation

      I know you're excited to get started, but first lets lay the foundation for what is coming. Please go through this entire module 0, and complete the preparation steps to set yourself up for ultimate success and transformation. 

      Module 1: Transcending The Cycle of Narcissistic Abuse and Reclaiming Your Inner Peace

      Know the Cycle, Set New Boundaries, Reclaim Your Emotional Balance

      This is the core of ETC, and is my signature process for awakening to the abuse you have been experiencing, and how to begin to take back your power in the dynamic.

      In this module, we are going deep into the understanding of the cycle of abuse, the phases, specific behaviors you can watch for in your partner, how you might be feeling, and how to remove yourself from the crazy-making.

      Module 2 | Become a Boundary Badass: Setting Sacred Limits and Boundaries - Without Guilt

      Become a Boundary Badass

      The No Bullshit Way to Unapologetically Claiming Your Own Space

      In this module, we are focusing on the big B word, yup...learning how to set powerful BOUNDARIES without feeling like a Bitch, letting go of guilt, no longer allowing our inner 'good girl' to run the show. 

      Module 3: Reclaiming Your Personal Power

      Welcome to module 3

      We are diving into the fun part of the program, so you can breathe a little easier because we are going to get your life back on track!

      The focus of this module is how to reclaim the parts of yourself you've abandoned and ignored for far too long, and bringing these parts back into your daily life. 

      So dive in, and remember to come and post your takeaways in the group.


      Module 4: Developing Your Process for Change and Exit Strategy

      If you're wondering if your relationship can be different, or your partner is telling you he wants to work on the relationship, this module will outline exactly what you need to start and stop doing,  and what he needs to be doing to show he is serious about changing. 

      Module 5: Healing Integration and Continuing Your Journey

      Now that you've completed ETC, we'll be taking some time to reflect on your breakthroughs, as well as complete your plan for accountability and Integrating what you have learned. 

      Shifting Negative Emotions Self Coaching Process

      Get in the practice of identifying your emotions and becoming aware of where they're coming from. This exercise will help you move though negative emotion so you don't stay stuck in your feelings. 

      Leanne's Personal Resource List

      Here you'll find Leanne's hand selected recommendations for phenomenally written books to take your journey deeper beyond this program. 

      Booster Calls Dates and Zoom Link

      Here is the info to join your 2 Booster calls for May. 

      Modules for this product 11

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      Payment Options

       6 Monthly Installments
       $333.00 USD  ( then $333.00 USD for 5 months )
       One Payment (save $200)
       $1,900.00 USD

      How do you want to pay?

      Credit/Debit Card
      No payment method needed.

      Yes! I want to purchase the End The Cycle program with coaching calls and agree to the price and installment schedule outlined on this page.  I understand that there are absolutely NO refunds or cancellations for any reason. By selecting the box and signing up I am providing the electronic equivalent of my signature and assert I have read, understood, and agreed to this entire page. 

      By purchasing this program you agree to the Informed Consent and Confidentiality Agreement 

      Disclaimer: This course and information contained within it, is not a substitute for counselling, and is meant for information purposes only. It is also not intended for women who are in a dangerous, and physically violent situation. If you are experiencing Domestic Violence (DV) please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 365/24/7 at 1-800-799-7233

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