She's Moving On | A Roadmap to Your Empowered Separation and Reclaiming Your Life On The Other Side of Narcissistic Abuse

How To Take Back Your Peace and Find Healing After Relationship Betrayal 

Whether you've experienced narcissistic abuse, lying, cheating, manipulation and having events and facts mentally twisted, having the rug pulled out from under you when you trusted someone with your whole heart, or having what you believed to be the love of your life toss you and your family aside as if you never existed, only to start a new family and move on like nothing happened, while you're left picking up the pieces - you have experienced relationship betrayal!

This work is all about YOU becoming your own soulmate, your own best friend, and breaking your own toxic patterns so you can heal, grow and evolve and never get trapped in another toxic relationship EVER again!

When we truly love ourselves, we develop zero tolerance for nonsense and disrespect. So the work begins within.

You are the common denominator - this is especially true if you've been in several toxic relationships and find it difficult to get out of them.

Narcissistic abuse as an INITIATION to becoming whole and fully embodied in your feminine power. 

Going through relationship betrayal and the emotional and psychological brutality of narcissistic abuse is an opportunity for your greatest spiritual transformation, and to becoming the highest version of yourself.

Ideally we’d have the time and space to move through the grief the loss after such an earth shattering experience. 

Some time to restore and recalibrate.

We would have women around us to support us through this transition, rather than being told we just need to move on, we are nurtured, would have help with childcare, house chores, and cooking. 

But the reality is women have to continue shouldering all of the responsibilities of parenting, getting to work, taking care of a home, and all of the other details and responsibilities that lie within that amidst feeling the shock and emotional fallout of coming to terms with everything that has happened.

The time must be created through careful considerations and making some new and difficult decisions.

When a relationship ends- especially when narcissistic abuse, manipulation, coercive control, sexual abuse and betrayal are involved,  many women struggle with a lack of clarity for how to move forward through the wreckage.

When we add the pressures of jobs/business, kids to feed and transport to activities, a home to take care of, family and other commitments and responsibilities the weight of it can feel all consuming and overwhelming. We long for a lifeline, some kind of support or relief from the pressure.

We need a tribe of support, and this is the premise behind Becoming THAT Woman.


Instead of seeing what you've been through as being done TO you, what if it was possible to shift the emotional energy around confusion, heartbreak and anger into peace, true letting go, and surrendering to what is?

What If...

On the other side of betrayal you learn how to never betray yourself again?

On the other side of manipulation you learn discernment and to never allow yourself to ignore your intuition again?

On the other side of neglect, you learn how to take exquisite care of yourself - so that if anyone comes along and messes up the peace you’ve created for yourself you’ll immediately know they need to go?

On the other side of being controlled, you learn how to put yourself in a position to never be dependent on a man again, and to always make sure you have a way out if things become unhealthy? 

On the other side of having your feelings dismissed and minimized, you learn how to be with and love your own emotions, so that you are ALIVE, rather than shut down and numb?

What if in the face of abandonment, you discovered a new way to be there for yourself, and never leave YOU again?

There are gifts within the trauma of past relationship betrayal and abuse. 

If you do choose to take this initiation into becoming your whole healed self, you will propel yourself forward into new levels of awakening and growth instead of remaining stuck for years to come. 

When you’ve come full circle with this initiation, you become a woman that will never let things slide, let others abuse you, be naive to lies and manipulation, and you’ll never ignore your intuition again! 

I do believe those of us who are strong enough to choose growth over staying stuck, healing over staying victimized, and evolution over staying trapped in the past- we are the 1% who can live free from what we have experienced, so it no longer impacts our level of joy, peace and ability to love our life again.

You’re here because you are part of that 1%. 

I invite you to let the cost of your past relationship choices to serve as fuel for your new commitments to always choose yourself, to advocate and stand up for yourself and NEVER lose your power like you did -- ever again!

The type of deep, soul level, self- commitment I’m talking about here needed the initiation of the pain, loss and challenges you’ve experienced, in order for you to fully evolve.

We women are resilient. 

You can transform this experience into energy that will strengthen and heal you!

While therapy, having friends around you to vent to, some time alone, and perhaps a new, healthier lover are all part of this healing, these things are a temporary bandage on a festering wound.

Stepping in to our feminine healing energy and connecting with a deep knowing of ourselves as women of value and wholeness requires holistic approach

The deep internal rupture  you've experienced from past relationships separates you from believing in your own worth and value.

You've lose trust in yourself- which is the highest price to pay.

Let's come together, in a soulful mastermind container, to share new ideas, read and discuss books we love, and talk about the real issues you're facing in a safe space, with other women who are experiencing similar things. 

Private coaching with me starts at $3,500 - so this is the next best things to having me by your slide as you navigate the coming challenges.

Who is this program for?

TANA is for women over 40 with children, who are ready to dig deep into their own soul-emotional healing work to break the patterns within them that have created conditions of ending up with abusive, selfish, manipulative, and narcissistic men. It is specifically created for women who are within the first year or two of exiting the relationship.

If you are newly single and feel like you don't know where to start with picking up the pieces of your life, you'll find comfort, inspiration and guidance in this course for how to begin healing on every level.

What To Expect From The TANA Program:

Initially you will learn how to cope with the mental, emotional and physical 'aftershock' of leaving the relationship which typically comes within the first month or two after going no-contact. 

While doing this work you will learn how you ended up feeling trapped in an abusive relationship, the patterns within you that ignored the danger signs early on and allowed the relationship to progress even when you knew something was wrong.

You'll learn how you abandon yourself in relationships so you can stop putting others' needs before your own. You'll identify the traits that make you vulnerable to being drawn to manipulators, and how to transform those traits to attract healthier men when you're ready to explore dating.

Dating and entering a new relationships (and avoiding toxic men): In the last week of the program, we will also be covering warning signs of unhealthy men to steer away from when you start dating again, how to know when you're ready to get back into dating, and how to test dating prospects early on to uncover dangerous personalities within weeks so you don't further invest in unhealthy relationships.

You will learn about your personality tendencies that make you vulnerable to unhealthy partners, how to set boundaries in early dating to identify narcissistic / abusive men, and how to navigate dating again when you're ready.

What's included:

  • 6 x 1 hour video classes (all pre-recorded to watch at your own pace) VALUED AT $1,997 
  • Access to a SECRET Community (for connecting with other women in the program and to get your questions answered by me about the program materials you're working on)
  • Updates to the program at no extra charge during your 12 weeks in the program

The Transformation Process:

Module 1: Moving Through The Aftershock of Narcissistic Abuse

Topics covered in this session:

    • What to expect emotionally during those first few months of implementing no/minimal contact (and why this is crucial to you recovering and regaining your peace and balance sooner, rather than extending the unhealthy connection)
    • What to expect physically immediately after leaving, and the months afterward, and how to take care of yourself in those early months post-separation 
    • What to expect mentally as you experience life without your ex-spouse 
    • Detoxing from the addiction (yes, it's akin to substance addiction and we will talk about why and how to cope)
    • Why it often gets (much) worse after the initial relief of the break up and what to do about it
    • Dealing with the anxiety and panic that sets in  (often within the first months of no-contact)
    • Real examples of women who leave and where they most get stuck 
    • How to come back to SELF and become a woman with standards and boundaries for what you will and will no longer accept in your relationships 
    • The Empower Hour Daily Foundation as Your daily self care and healing practice 
    • How to Stay No Contact with your ex (even when it feels like it might kill you or they won't leave you alone)
    • 12 Principles of staying on the path of no contact you MUST follow to truly move past this phase and heal

Module 2: Rewiring Your Nervous System 

Topics covered in this session:

  • Emotional triggers, (or Post Traumatic Stress) what they are, how to move through intense emotional reactions 
  • How to deal with flashbacks and memories of the abuse 
  • A meditation practice when hard feelings come up
  • How to step ruminating and actually get your life back (and get the sleep you need)
  • How to know if a trigger is present reality or a past experience (this is useful to know when you start dating again!)
  • Self soothing practices when you feel inner turmoil, emotional overwhelm, or urges to reach out to your ex
  • Building inner safety and self trust so that you don't overextend your friends and relatives capacity to support you every moment you feel upset (this is really important!). This also applies if you have lack of good support from others who understand what happened to you, and what is still happening for you with your ex

Module 3: How To Become Your Own Soulmate 

Topics covered:

  • Defining your values and needs for a future relationship (even if the idea of this makes you want to throw up right now, better to be prepared, because you never know what might come your way)
  • Create your non-negotiables and deal breakers in a relationship 
  • Putting YOU first (and stop the HERO role)
  • How to never lose yourself in a relationship again
  • Reprogramming your negative self image and getting your ex (and his voice) out of your head - working with thought forms and challenging negative thinking 
  • Redefining what you want for this next chapter of your life, you get a do-over!
  • Creating a healing environment and balanced lifestyle (taking care of your own needs rather than expecting a man to come in and magically make you happy!)
  • Learning to love your alone time, dealing with loneliness 

Module 4: Navigating The Toughest Challenges After Leaving While Staying In Your Power (what women most struggle with on the other side)

Topics covered in this session:

  • Counter-parenting challenges and the effects on kids 
  • Learning the effects the abusive environment had on your kids, and how to best understand them and support them
  • Boundaries to set to protect your peace and limit access they have to  you
  • Going no/low contact (even if you have kids)
  • Handling how the ex sees you (and feeling like they are still in your head)
  • Coping with the nasty lies and things your ex is saying about you
  • Letting go of caring what the ex thinks of you 
  • How they will try to take your power even from afar, and how to prevent this
  • How to stop reacting to their behaviours and antics so you can maintain a clear mind and inner peace
  • How to deal with when they continue to try and mess with you
  • Easy ways to limit their access to you so you are not pulled into their chaos when you are trying to heal

Module 5: Identifying Your Traits That Make You Vulnerable To Manipulators and Abusers

Topics covered in this session:

  • The patterns, thinking and behaviors that keep you tolerating abuse and manipulation 
  • Traits and behaviours YOU have that make you rationalize abusive behavior and stay in toxic relationships 
  • How to overcome toxic empathy toward harmful men - when your empathy causes self harm
  • Codependency and putting others feelings before your own 
  • Discover your typical 'type' vs what you actually want and need in a partner 
  • How to identify red flags, see where you ignored them in your previous relationship, and learn how to handle them if they come up in new dating experiences 

Module 6: Dating And Avoiding Another Narcissist or Toxic Person

Topics covered in this session:

  • Are you ready to date? Signs you are, and signs you are NOT
  • Using dating apps: Safety precautions, pros, and cons, vetting men from a High Value position rather than chasing and playing games
  • How to navigate your first new relationship after an abusive one - and make sure you're not getting into another bad relationship
  • How to handle triggers and old stuff from your past when it comes up in the present 
  • Increasing your 'narcissism radar' so you can spot clear alarm bells that someone is dangerous or not good for you early on
  • How to *test* a man during the early months to see if he's hiding abusive, dangerous, manipulative, or narcissistic personality traits
  • Healthy boundaries to set when dating or in early relationship stages
  • Know what you want and need in a relationship based on your values 
  • Know your absolute dealbreakers 
  • Know your unhealthy patterns and tendencies in love relationships 
  • True 'red flags' you should run from 
  • How to 'Narc proof' your dating and relationship life 
  • The biggest mistakes women make in dating and relationships with a history of choosing destructive, psychologically unstable men

Get started on your transformation today.

I'll see you inside!

9 Modules

Modules for this course 9

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Disclaimer: This course and the information contained within it, is not a substitute for counselling or trauma treatment, and is meant for information and educational purposes only. It is also not intended for women who are in dangerous, and physically violent situations. If you are experiencing Domestic Violence (DV) please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 365/24/7 at 1-800-799-7233

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